Monday, June 2, 2014

- Fortunately, the number of unemployed is not something special grew, not the closed 5k foam fest

When he says Samobor, many now face brightened as they think about delicious kremsnite, bermet or famous Samobor salami. Many will immediately connect with Samobor Carnival, older will nostalgically recall swimming in ŠMIDHENOVA the film "Who 5k foam fest sings, no evil", and the younger generation soap opera "Valley of the Sun." Some will remember that on their shelves still kept glasses, pots and vases of Samobor crystals, and lovers of literature will recall that the "Croatian Petrarca" Stanko 5k foam fest Vraz their "Đulabije" wrote one Samobor lady, Juliane Cantilly his or violet.
Those familiar with the history will say that the town of Samobor has been essential for the development of the Illyrian movement and the famous patriotic song "Croatia has not yet collapsed," created one evening in the home of a family Livadić (now city museum), when Gaj on a piece of paper printed word, and Ferdinand Livadić famous Croatian composer, immediately set to music. They will not miss to say that Samobor was a haven of many Illyrians in which they gladly visited by Štoos, devil, Draskovic, Jelacic, Preradović, Mažuranic and many other historical figures. In Samobor, the main town square, above the traditional pastry cream cake, lived and AGMatos, and besides culinary city has always 5k foam fest attracted by its natural beauty and charm and has recently become a favorite resort of the citizens of Zagreb.
To the year 1914th Samobor 5k foam fest had three hotels, pension, restoration, cafe and inn about 50, and in fact it is today because of Samobor as if time has stood still. And it is thus wins the largest number 5k foam fest of people. Traditional charm, 5k foam fest cobbled square, which was the scene of life, tiny streets with old trades and crafts as well as its parks, gardens and walking path that winds along the river Gradna.
But nowadays Samobor is not just a place that attracts only a tradition, 5k foam fest nature, rich history, but also one very pragmatic "stimulus", and that is that in the town of Samobor surtax rate is zero.
Because of the surtax oasis Samobor in the last 20 years has become 5k foam fest attractive to many residents of Zagreb that noisy, overcrowded and expensive Zagreb increasingly replaced by a more peaceful, healthier and more leisure and ease of Samobor. Near the capital, but healthier
Anindol and Giznik traditionally residential area with villas and Samobor in the 20's of the 20th century has a tradition of so-called urban villas, manors, palaces and castles with gardens and beautiful gardens. Perhaps one could say that Zagreb 5k foam fest Samobor for what Opatija to Rijeka.
But let's be completely open, 90 of them in Samobor, as in many Croatian cities, certain devastation occurred and due to the large amount of new housing occurred "inflation" of housing, while there is also the problem of lack of kindergartens and schools.
However, many good things still hold, thanks primarily to the enthusiasm of individuals and keeping the family tradition, so lately in the city have a "new wave" producers bermet, honey, salami and a variety of desserts, 5k foam fest but also people who are closing Samoborsko crystal factory or factories socks start their own business - said Kreso Beljak, explaining how the craft and entrepreneurship part custard tradition and the crisis in Samobor somehow feels a lot less. Instead of military facilities
- Fortunately, the number of unemployed is not something special grew, not the closed 5k foam fest factories, shops, restaurants ... The only thing this year is slightly reduced the city budget, but to think logically. However, all these problems that I mentioned, in particular the lack of kindergartens, schools and parking lots are planning soon to solve, all of which will occur when we realize a big project for the town of Samobor, 5k foam fest or relocation of police, fire, ambulance and city administration 5k foam fest on the periphery of the central or the place of the former barracks in other languages.
Relocation of the public service on a plot of 14 hectares Center to release a large number of cars that would be all the buildings in which they were able to leave the public service for tourist excursions and commercial purposes. The center of Samobor so he could become a pedestrian zone, and would create space for the reconstruction and transformation of the house in the center 5k foam fest of the small family-run hotels and other tourist-catering facilities - said Beljak, explaining to time and space in Samobor could be completely free. The triple benefit
- We plan to realize this project in this term, as well as the construction of a new bus station next year, which would be completed. These two projects will certainly change the traditional image of Samobor and direction, and we plan on building new kindergartens 5k foam fest and schools, which last built 70s. Our desire is to renew old castles and manors which has a total of 20 and who are almost all in very dilapidated and neglected state. As a possible solution to the financing of these projects to see some new models of public-private partnerships to be set up on the model of the triple benefit, and that the investor g

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