Saturday, January 31, 2015

Castle is located on the west side of the Alhambra Palace, is the oldest building in the palace, as

Travels scared to be friends, he comes to Granada to visit Alhambra Palace papercamp (Palacio de la Alhambra) 8:30 or so to the ticket papercamp office, there are long queues in the queue, papercamp the queue for about 1.5 hours before the buy tickets, and into the visiting time is 14:00 ... but today we morning, the day before at 7:00 to go out all light ride, according to daily habits early Yuan Chi speculated that today's weather like in Taiwan Summer 5:00 more time, I think the main reason for today's bad weather, cold, wet morning temperature is only 19 degrees papercamp C.
That is left to go out of the hotel bus stop, take the bus on the 30th, one-way bus tickets 1.2 to the Alhambra Palace, about 7:30 just 10 people papercamp in the queue when we arrived at the ticket booth, but the loose head and heart breath, 8 o'clock time is up, find the team divided into three rows, the first scene together is a gold ticket, a credit card is the Internet site queuing for the tickets, and get a ticket is purchased in advance, but need the original fare again 1 fare.
Alhambra tickets ~~ unanimously 13, visit the palace of time 9:30
Alhambra Palace in 1984 was selected among the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, the palace range is divided into four areas, namely Nasri Palace (Palacios Nazaries), Carlos V Palace (Palacio de Carlos V ), Xuan Niluolifei Garden (Jardin de Generalife), papercamp Alcazaba castle. Tickets into the region to visit the area to visit with the selection, as well as day and night fare, in order to maintain the quality and orderly visit, once every 30 minutes and opening into the garden, and only visited the Palace Nasri (Palacios Nazaries) has a time limit and marked tickets, no other part. The service center can pick up at the ticket office papercamp briefing and maps, or directly inside the marked walking can follow.
First to arrive by the ticket into the Villa Niluolifei garden, first appeared in the 13th century, it was originally the seat of orchards and farms, along with the construction of the 14th century palace, it gradually evolved into today's flower beds throughout, shade trails cover the top, littered with beautiful views of the pool and fountains, hidden in the garden inside a building which is very popular in the state-run hotel Parador Granada, was formerly papercamp 法兰西斯哥 convent school in 1940 converted into a state-run hotel, the hotel's atrium, and the whole Dong hotel was decorated were retained.
Renaissance building full of Carlos V Palace is the Catholic Monarchs in 1526 Queen Isabella and King Fernando grandson honeymoon because Travelodge decided the construction of the Alhambra Palace, aims Granada ( Granada) in the future is more suitable when the capital of the Spanish Empire, the appearance of the square decorated with chunks of masonry in an attempt to emphasize the grand imperial image, internal around a circular atrium unfold, reportedly due to lack of funds to make the internal corridors due to lack of sculpture and other decorative and extremely clean, a floor is now the Museum of the Alhambra Palace, the second floor is the Museum of Fine Arts.
First there is the joint entrance papercamp hall (Sala del Mexuar, also known as Metz Royal Palace), here is the palace of the oldest part of the executive and the judiciary is the last place where the king and the Council papercamp of Ministers held in this or petition is accepted by the population, the opposite is the golden hall (Cuarto papercamp Dorando), in the past used the palace as a guest of honor by the south side of the main entrance stands a white marble that is leading to the Gema Gonzalez Palace (Comares) porch, This is equal to enter into the king's official residence.
Also known as the "Ambassadors Hall" Palace papercamp of Gema Gonzalez (Comares) located in the tower of the main floor, built in the first half of the 14th century, has a very complicated roof, it is the place where the king met with foreign guests, but also the last British Islam King Boabdil The Granada (Granada) to place the Catholic Kings. The myrtle atrium (Patio de los Arrayanes) of a large pond gives clear cool feeling, but also people feel the desert nation's water features art created.
Left atrium Myrtles (Patio de los Arrayanes) and later to the palace last part of a "harem", the most representative art is a lion in the atrium (Patio de los Leones), papercamp surrounded by 124 marble columns supporting the cloister, These shapes like a horseshoe arches decorated with stalactites dazzling stucco sculpture, fountain papercamp in the middle of the 12 lions consisting of the atrium is the origin of the name, not just a decoration more timekeeping function, while the lion mouth spitting Since escorts circular pool of water, water fall lion feet 4 waterways, watercourses and then lead into the cool water around inside �.
Opposite Lions atrium has three rooms on the south side of the room is Ahben Sierra Hess Hall (Sala de los Abencerrajes), the last monarch of Heaven had ordered the largest political forces in Afghanistan papercamp this Sierra Hess family 36 men, the execution of Location is this room, located on the roof of the stellate-shaped geometric patterns inspired by the mathematical theorem, when the sun through the vault of 16 star shining through the window, resulting in a surge of like a dream really psychedelic aesthetic; east of Kings Hall (Sala del Rey) portrait painted ceiling in the middle ages 10 纳里斯 dynasty of kings, looks like the early 14th century to 15th century works, presumably Muslims precious figurative art, this hall is the former venue for banquets The most north side is a two sisters Hall (Sala de las Dos Hermanas) central dome decorated with honeycomb complicated than Ahben Sierra Hess Hall, said that these honeycomb lattice over 5000 little more than this hall is considered Islam The classic building, the former is the Sultan's concubines home, which is in the locker room is more close to the inner chamber has two terrace where you can sit at the terrace concubines views looking out the window, and later the Carlos V small garden beside the windowsill gardens converted into Darui Kesha (Mirador de Daraxa).
"Tower" (Mirador de Lindaraja) is one of the key visit to the palace, which is adjacent to the tower overlooking the best corner outside the walls Albayzin district Albaicin, the tower came through the Alhambra oldest pavilion "Partal Palace '(Palacio del Partal), front and back of the palace corridors are all transmissive design, the front of the palace is a rectangular green pools, pool reflecting the palace and shadows. Villa will return to the pool through the garden Niluolifei, papercamp then will go through a canal in the atrium (Patio de la Acequia) long and narrow road puffing a water arch-shaped channel of water, which is representative of the Islamic-style garden in Spain , standing in this beautiful papercamp garden in the summer palace papercamp called Heneilali fee (Generalife) of.
Castle is located on the west side of the Alhambra Palace, is the oldest building in the palace, as the remains of Roman fort, built in the 9th century by the Moorish, 13th century papercamp construction of bunkers, divided into three layers papercamp of walls, the bottom of the prison, Knight worked in the home, the upper observation tower, now it is the remnants of the Watch Tower (Torre de la Vela) is a long-term perspective of a favorite tourist papercamp sites, here is the Alhambra Palace last spots.
Alhambra Palace ended the trip, we then came across a river and palaces papercamp across the Albayzin area (Albayzin), who can take the No. 32 bus to the Albayzin area <Albaicin> or like us walk down, turn left toward the palace gate, along the trail 格梅 Gonzalez (Cuesta de Gomerez) go down, there is a tree-lined papercamp all the way, let down over 10 minutes of time inside the hot sun drying will not be coming to an end faint, and accompanied by the breeze blowing, go up quite nice, and soon reach Granada door, out the door, said this officially left the Alhambra range, and then continue to go forward, find a store In selling wood inlay art, in fact, this kind of articles in the major souvenir shops are selling, but I finally chose the reason this is the front of the store with a Japanese report, this purchase should feel quite the quality assurance , and compared to the souvenir shop, and his prices are not particularly expensive Oh, friends who are interested can take a look!
We first went to press Square (Plaza de Nueva), come the end of the square can converge on this small street into the Carrera del Darro Albayzin area, like walking the labyrinth of alleys, maps obviously can not play what role, So everywhere we walk, while enjoying the different shapes of the windows in the area, while immersed in a Muslim papercamp distinctive shops and small objects, and unknowingly came to this area is located in the most popular places --- the height of the system, "St. Nicholas Pull Plaza "(Pl.San Nicolas), where the ability to Alhambra Palace panoramic view of the entire papercamp building. Way down the mountain, close to the center of the time, will go through a Muslim Street (Calderería Street) is lined alley selling leather slippers, rugs, incense stores and street vendors, of course, there are a lot of tea and hookah shop, interested friends may wish to go try.
2. Alhambra Palace (Palacio de la Alhambra) official website (please click here)
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