Thursday, January 8, 2015

More questions: 1. how to breed Perflix, Ceresit plaster finish and ABS (separately, of course =))

How to make the slopes on plastic windows | Repair together" - online magazine about construction and repair
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Nikita Puz: How to make the slopes on plastic windows Hedgehog, thanks ohromnoe for links to external understood, they will do for Ceresit'om tiles. Inside will likely water-resistant gypsum board, seating him on Perlfix (Liquid Nails is advised, is it worth?).
More questions: 1. how to breed Perflix, Ceresit plaster finish and ABS (separately, of course =)) ============== Liononline: not bother yourself. only mess. aunt hire any. This obydetsya in 2,000 rubles --- Ezhulya: Bounding external slopes better not to delay. First, the foam collapses (darkens and becomes brittle) under sunlight. In addition, in the hardened state it increases the amount volara of 5-10% and as a "crushing" itself. As a result, between the frame and foam eventually formed gap, which negates all efforts to seal. Second, the foam is not a waterproofing material - it will always gain moisture, which stood foam and destroy itself. But even before the destruction of the material ceases to be heat insulator - increasing humidity at 5% reduces its insulating volara properties by 50%. Thus, the foam should be immediately protected against weathering (Stated simply, the outer slope should close immediately!). Another argument in favor of this. If the windows volara are "blind" part, after returning to their insulating glass exterior seams may be partially unavailable. Again, remove windows you hardly want. Bounding internal slopes can wait. This is especially true if the apartment (house) volara provides long-term repair of redevelopment. Starting his want, do not want to have the installation of new windows. Installed windows - Cover them with plastic wrap and keep repair. volara A slotted vidbuvshys in its final stage. volara How to process external slope? With a small seam width (maximum 15 mm) recommended or silicone sealant or tehnolohychnuyu, but very expensive samorasshiryayuschuyusya polyurethane sealing tape - PSUL (paired with a vapor barrier tape, which is installed on the inside, which costs $ 3 per meter). None of these options is perfect. Exterior paint (ie it mostly for home use external slope) for silicone sealant falls, well, not very good. In addition, under the influence of atmospheric phenomena sealant eventually darkens and begins to stand out even under a layer of paint. volara But the most unpleasant Other: This material is gradually aging, exfoliating and ceases to protect the foam. Sealing tape PSUL apply in most cases impossible - adjacent to the window wall surface so rough and cut so skewed that the width of the seam around the perimeter of the window ranges from 0 to 5 cm (!). In such circumstances, the only solution is to plaster volara and then paint. Like what? We recommend using the technology and also inexpensive method - plastering ...; water-resistant and frost adhesive for tiles. This material sticks to almost any surface and is not afraid of water. Of course, more expensive than conventional adhesive volara plaster, but low cost, ease of operation and, of course, volara high quality yet determined. A strange phenomenon occurs when buying windows. In 99 cases out of 100 managers do not remind you of the processing of slopes. And the reason this one - the high price. Do not adopted articulate price "turnkey". It is believed that the local buyer for the most part (to save) had to deal with this Zabdi

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