Friday, January 2, 2015

If a new screed, the bitumen space time foam layer Shumanet laid down, and if old, on the contrary

whether to lay still and polyethylene? space time foam Our city is nothing but foam, sellers do not want to take even more for prepaid - they are lazy. So if you need polyethylene foam bed if I (2mm)? Building a new, solid. >> I understand we are talking about the film. We need to put it or not is the big question.
There is no consensus on this no. The fact that many experts tend to believe that no film of no use at all. However, and damage too. The only argument in favor of the film, known to me that it prevents the penetration of moisture seals. In theory this is true, but in practice there, I honestly do not know.
But given the penny cost of the film, many places it without hesitation. As I said, damage from it just is not. Bituminous fiberglass mats, >> and how much you can put-whether under linoleum? >> Bitumen-fiberglass mats, for example Shumanet-100, E-6 Vybrosyl usually placed under the same tie directly to slabs t. K. Their main purpose is insulation. At the same time, the coefficient of elasticity of the material is quite high, and therefore I have known precedents when particular Shumanet 100 lies just under the linoleum and laminate Forbo. He lies there is not much time ago, and therefore difficult to draw conclusions. The manufacturer's laying on the plate next.
If a new screed, the bitumen space time foam layer Shumanet laid down, and if old, on the contrary stekloholstom down. And then all the usual technology without overlap, the edges are fixed with tape building, the walls damper gap. Does it make sense to put similar substrate linoleum in the matter of the plane, or need linoleum lining in general. Again, we must note that Shumanet thickness 100 mm 3, which, in my opinion, is the limiting value for the substrate. For napivkomertsiynoho, the more homogeneous commercial linoleum type Tarkett Granit, the combination of Shumanet 100 is almost space time foam perfect.
I honestly can not confidently guarantee that bitumen and fiberglass have conferred on plate, is a worthy decision substrate under linoleum. Still, I described stacking technology Shumanet 100 on plate reads as follows parquet or laminate, which is more dense, but less elastic materials. The price of this good in the region of 100-120 per square D. Available in me instructions conclusion shows that Shumanet 100 comes in rolls 15h1 meter. space time foam Weight space time foam about 20 kg.
In particular Parkolah, which I prefer to work, I just fall in rolls with a total area of 50 square meters. space time foam meters, which is not always easy, because there are lots of apartments ranging 60-90 meters. Unfortunately, I can not give details of similar materials. Probably analogs include, but are working with what we have. in the center of the room, where walking, space time foam including rap baby legs - Parkolah and on the perimeter, where there is furniture - or in simpler same polyethylene foam? >> Theoretically in terms of operation laminate problems should arise. space time foam The main thing to combine materials in thickness, t. To. Parkolah foam and have a different density and degree of elasticity.
And, behold, space time foam I am about the noise, as appropriate, not a physicist, so the theory of propagation of impact noise imagine very conditional. space time foam Argued confirm that noise fell subject to the place where Parkolah not zrykoshetyt from the place where the foam, I can not. Physicists know better.
But I know that Sc.. air noise (TV sound from a neighbor) will take place. If you are only interested in percussion noise in the apartment, space time foam it seems to me quite pohodyaschyy your option. space time foam Although the practice space time foam never did.
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